“Why?” you ask. “Why does money always seem to be an issue for me?”
Let me soothe your money feathers. It’s an issue for MOST people. Some of you focus on the issue more than others, but if I poke around a bit I can find places of resistance in most people. And this includes myself!
Now, I can name a list of very specific thoughts and beliefs that create the issues with money but it always comes down to a general belief that there will not be enough or you will lose what you have. Even my wealthiest clients experience tension in certain situations from feeling like something with be taken away.
Based on the fact that it’s all about trusting that you will have more than enough, it really won’t serve you to focus on your specific hang ups about money if you want to shift swiftly into abundance. I’ve seen people go from high financial stress to signing whopping contracts in a matter of weeks. Their secret solution was simple.
They purposefully focused on shifting their perspective with money on a daily basis. They did not try to go back in time to where they originally picked up their fearful money thoughts. They started with now. You must acknowledge that it is simply a perspective on money that has kept you hostage. There is no other reason than that for any troubling money thoughts or situations.
Please don’t try to give the excuse of the economy, lack of time, your parent’s upbringing, divorce settlements, lawsuits, crooked business partners or the hundred other reasons that you have issues. They are all irrelevant to making your breakthrough into a pure abundance mentality.
You must focus on the end outcome you desire for your experience with money to shift. The Law of Attraction is always at work and has no attachment to your history. It is only responding to what you are focused on right now. You’ll want to remind yourself that you CAN create a new experience with money and that it is already happening…long before you will see the results, your situation is correcting itself.
You’ll also want to immediately stop any self-destructive actions and habits regarding money. If you spend and stress, you must stop spending so much money or stop stressing when you do. If you blame others for your situation, stop. It’s about you, not them. If you feel like you can’t do anything about your money issues, begin to believe and act like you can. If it were possible for you take control, what would be your first step?
You can’t tackle this money thing for a week and expect to be done with it. It will take some time, focus and practice. It will take some support. But you can do it. I’ve coached many people who believed they’d never turn around their money issues. I’ve had the extreme pleasure of watching them double and triple their incomes, too. Most importantly, I’ve witnessed their transition into peace around money. If they can, you can.