Occult Philosophy 101: The Hermetic View of Life

Sacred Geometry

Have you ever looked at the world around you and wondered about the hidden meanings behind it all? The Hermetic philosophy of sacred geometry may have the answers you seek. This esoteric discipline has been revered for centuries for its ability to decipher the occult design of life.

Simply put, sacred geometry is the study of geometric shapes and patterns that are believed to hold divine significance. Hermetic philosophy teaches that everything in the universe is connected, and that the geometric shapes found throughout nature are a reflection of this interconnectivity.

By exploring the principles of sacred geometry, you can unlock a deeper understanding of the universe and your place in it. So, whether you’re interested in expanding your spiritual knowledge, exploring the depths of your subconscious mind, or simply appreciating the beauty of the world around you, studying sacred geometry is a journey worth taking.

Key Takeaways:

  • Sacred geometry is the study of geometric shapes and patterns that hold divine significance.
  • Hermetic philosophy teaches that everything in the universe is connected, and sacred geometry reflects this interconnectivity.
  • Studying sacred geometry can lead to a deeper understanding of the universe and your place in it.

Exploring the Foundations of Sacred Geometry

Geometric shapes are the foundation of all matter and form. The concept of sacred geometry asserts that there is a direct relationship between these shapes and the divine. By using mathematical principles and divine proportions, sacred geometry reveals the hidden laws that govern the universe.

The study of sacred geometry can help you understand the underlying patterns and structures that exist in the natural world. It involves a deep exploration of geometric shapes, including circles, triangles, squares, and spirals. Each of these shapes contains a unique energy and significance that can be harnessed for personal growth and spiritual development.

One of the key principles of sacred geometry is the idea of divine proportions. These ratios, such as the golden mean, are found throughout nature and are believed to represent the perfect balance and harmony of the universe. They can be used to create visually pleasing designs and to establish a deeper connection with the natural world.

Geometric Shapes

Sacred geometry is based on the belief that geometric shapes have a spiritual significance. The circle, for example, represents unity and wholeness, while the triangle symbolizes strength and stability. Understanding the meanings and energies associated with different shapes can help you harness their power and use it for personal growth and transformation.

The study of sacred geometry involves an exploration of shapes in three dimensions as well as in two dimensions. Each of these shapes has its own unique energy and can be used to create powerful designs that resonate with your inner being.

Mathematical Principles

Sacred geometry is founded on mathematical principles that exist throughout the universe. These principles can be seen in natural forms such as the spirals found in seashells and in the patterns of leaves on a tree. Understanding these mathematical principles can help you establish a deeper connection with the natural world and with the energies that govern it.

Mathematical principles such as the Fibonacci sequence and the golden ratio can be used to create designs that are visually stunning and spiritually significant. By understanding how these principles work, you can tap into the hidden energies that underlie all of existence.

Divine Proportions

One of the key concepts of sacred geometry is the idea of divine proportions. These ratios, such as the golden mean, are found throughout nature and are believed to represent the perfect balance and harmony of the universe. By using these ratios in your own designs, you can create works that resonate with the hidden laws that govern the universe.

Divine proportions can be found in everything from the human body to the structure of galaxies. By understanding these proportions, you can tap into a deeper understanding of the universe and of your place within it.

Understanding the foundations of sacred geometry is an essential step in harnessing its power for personal growth and spiritual development. By exploring geometric shapes, mathematical principles, and divine proportions, you can connect with the hidden energies that underlie all of existence.

The Symbolic Language of Sacred Geometry

Sacred geometry is more than just geometric shapes and mathematical proportions. It is a symbolic language that serves as a universal key to unlocking hidden truths of the universe. Understanding the esoteric meanings behind various geometric shapes can awaken your consciousness to a higher level of awareness.

The use of symbolism is an essential part of sacred geometry. Each shape represents a specific esoteric meaning, and understanding this language can help you gain insights into the profound truths of the universe. For example, the circle represents unity and infinite wholeness, while the triangle represents the three aspects of the divine.

By studying the symbolisms of sacred geometry, you can develop a greater appreciation for the interconnectedness of all things. It serves as a reminder that everything in the universe is connected, and that there is a higher purpose to our existence.

Learning the symbolic language of sacred geometry can also help you cultivate a deeper spiritual connection. It allows you to see beyond the physical realm and connect with the higher consciousness that permeates everything in the universe. This understanding of the universal language of sacred geometry can serve as a powerful tool on your spiritual journey.

Embracing the symbolic language of sacred geometry can lead to a profound transformation in your life. As you learn to read the language of the universe, you will begin to see the world in a new light. This newfound awareness can help you cultivate a greater sense of purpose and meaning, leading to personal growth and an elevated state of consciousness.

Remember, sacred geometry is not just about geometric shapes; it is a language that can unlock the secrets of the universe. By studying the symbolism and esoteric meanings behind sacred geometry, you can gain a deeper understanding of yourself and the world around you.

The Role of Sacred Geometry in Spiritual Practices

As you begin to explore the world of sacred geometry, you’ll discover that its practical applications extend far beyond its aesthetic appeal. Sacred geometry can be a powerful tool for spiritual growth and self-discovery. By incorporating sacred geometry into your spiritual practices, you can tap into your inner energy flow, enhance your meditation practice, and establish a deeper spiritual connection.


The use of sacred geometry in meditation can help focus your mind and deepen your practice. By visualizing sacred shapes, such as the Flower of Life or Metatron’s Cube, you can access the higher dimensions of consciousness and promote deep relaxation. These shapes are believed to have a calming effect on the mind and body, helping you achieve a state of heightened awareness and spiritual connection.

Energy Flow

The principles of sacred geometry can also be used to harness your inner energy flow. By understanding the underlying mathematics and proportions of sacred shapes, you can enhance the flow of energy throughout your body. This can help you feel more grounded and centered, while also promoting overall health and well-being.

Spiritual Connection

Sacred geometry can serve as a bridge between the physical and spiritual worlds. By meditating on sacred shapes, you can tap into the underlying patterns of the universe and gain a deeper understanding of your own spiritual journey. This can lead to a greater sense of spiritual connection and a more profound understanding of the world around you.

Overall, incorporating sacred geometry into your spiritual practices can be a powerful tool for personal growth and transformation. By tapping into the hidden truths of the universe, you can enhance your meditation practice, harness your inner energy flow, and establish a deeper spiritual connection. So why not give it a try and see where your own journey takes you?

Sacred Geometry in Art and Architecture

When it comes to the visual aesthetics of art and architecture, sacred geometry has played a critical role in shaping the design of sacred spaces, whether it’s ancient temples or modern cathedrals. The principles of sacred geometry offer a blueprint for the creation of spaces that resonate with divine inspiration, elevating our consciousness and creating a sense of transcendence.

Sacred geometry has been a prominent feature in many architectural styles such as Gothic, Renaissance and Art Deco. It is evident in the intricate patterns of stained glass windows, the proportions of columns and arches, and the layout of chapels and altars.

Many artists have also been inspired by the symbolism and mathematical precision of sacred geometry. The works of artists like Wassily Kandinsky, M.C. Escher, and Leonardo da Vinci are known for their use of geometric shapes and patterns, creating visually captivating works that have deeper spiritual significance.

One of the most famous examples of sacred geometry in art is the Flower of Life, a complex geometric pattern that appears in ancient art throughout the world. The pattern is believed to represent the fundamental forms of space and time, and many believe it holds the key to unlocking the secrets of the universe.

Architects and artists who incorporate sacred geometry into their work aim to create spaces that have a transformative effect on the viewer. These spaces are designed to promote inner peace, harmony, and a sense of connection to the divine. When you enter a space that has been designed with sacred geometry in mind, you may feel a sense of awe and wonder, as if you have stepped into a different realm of existence.

Whether you’re walking through a Gothic cathedral or studying the works of an artist like Kandinsky, the influence of sacred geometry in art and architecture is undeniable. These works are not just visually stunning; they are also designed to elevate our consciousness and connect us to a higher power.

Embracing Sacred Geometry: A Path to Enlightenment

As you have learned throughout this article, the study and practice of sacred geometry can have a profound impact on your personal growth and spiritual journey. By embracing sacred geometry, you open yourself up to a path of transformation and higher consciousness.

Transformation begins when you start to see the world through the lens of sacred geometry. You will begin to notice the intricate shapes and patterns that exist all around us, and start to appreciate the divine order that governs the universe. This shift in perception can lead to a deeper understanding of the interconnectedness of all things and a heightened sense of empathy and compassion.

As you continue to explore the world of sacred geometry, you will begin to experience personal growth. By meditating on geometric shapes and patterns, you can tap into the universal energy that flows through all things and learn to harness that energy for your own well-being. This can lead to a greater sense of inner peace and a more grounded sense of self.

Higher Consciousness

At the heart of the study of sacred geometry is a quest for higher consciousness. By delving into the mysteries of the universe, we can elevate our understanding of ourselves and our place in the world. As you begin to uncover the hidden truths of sacred geometry, you will see that there is a deeper meaning behind everything, and that we are all connected in ways that we never imagined.

As you progress on your journey towards higher consciousness, you will find that your perception of the world expands and your awareness of the interconnectedness of all things grows. You will begin to feel a sense of oneness with the universe, and your actions will reflect a deeper understanding of the impact of your choices on the world around you.

Embracing sacred geometry is a powerful tool for achieving personal growth and enlightenment. By exploring the secrets of sacred geometry, you can transform yourself into a more compassionate, conscious, and connected human being. So, take the first step on this journey today and see where it leads you.


Q: What is sacred geometry?

A: Sacred geometry is a philosophical and spiritual concept that explores the mathematical and geometric patterns found in nature and the universe. It is believed to hold symbolic meanings and represent the fundamental laws of creation.

Q: How does sacred geometry relate to Hermetic philosophy?

A: In Hermetic philosophy, sacred geometry is seen as a key component of understanding the hidden design of life. It is believed to reflect the divine order and the interconnectedness of all things.

Q: Why is sacred geometry considered an occult design?

A: Sacred geometry is considered an occult design because it delves into the realm of the mystical and esoteric. It explores the hidden meanings behind geometric shapes and their connection to the spiritual and metaphysical aspects of existence.

Q: What are some examples of geometric shapes in sacred geometry?

A: Some examples of geometric shapes in sacred geometry include the circle, triangle, square, pentagon, and hexagon. These shapes are believed to hold symbolic significance and represent different aspects of the universe.

Q: How can I incorporate sacred geometry into my spiritual practices?

A: Sacred geometry can be incorporated into spiritual practices through meditation, visualization, and the use of geometric symbols. By connecting with these sacred shapes, one can enhance their spiritual connection and experience a deeper sense of inner peace and harmony.

Q: Are there any historical examples of sacred geometry in art and architecture?

A: Yes, there are numerous historical examples of sacred geometry in art and architecture. For instance, the building designs of ancient civilizations like the Egyptians and Greeks often incorporated sacred geometric proportions to create harmonious and visually pleasing structures. Many sacred sites and temples around the world also utilize sacred geometry in their construction.

Q: How can embracing sacred geometry lead to personal growth?

A: Embracing sacred geometry can lead to personal growth by expanding one’s awareness and understanding of the interconnectedness of all things. It can provide a framework for self-discovery, transformation, and the development of a higher consciousness.

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