Occultism &
However, if you read my previous blog post you already know the difference between the account the esoteric and the satanic practices. And since you are an educated reader now we can take it one step further and discuss morality which is an indispensable part of any occult practice.
Morality & dogma
When we talk about morality we are not looking at the dogmatic aspect of the issue. We talked about inner, inherited morality, that lives in you and is a part of you. It is when your actions are guided by your own moral code, which is in tune with the natural law, the universe, and the principle of “more life for all”, as opposed to “more life for you, less for others”. As cliche as it may sound this is exactly when you do the right thing because you believe it and not out of fear of punishment from the government or any religious institution.
Morality can be inborn or developed. Nonetheless, it’s a lifetime process. No extrasensory or another kind of higher powers can open up in bloom in people that are not moral in the highest sense of the word.
Yet this is very important to draw the line between morality that is in tune with the natural law and the morality that is taught in schools.
I’m not trying to question the modern education system, but I’m sure you would agree that it’s different across all countries and varies depending on the predominant political and religious regime. Again, without being bias or judging what’s right or what’s wrong, we can simply note that what is “moral” in the United Kingdom is immoral in Afghanistan. People who grew up in China, have different beliefs and moral guidance systems as opposed to people in Mexico. This doesn’t mean that one is moral and the other isn’t, it simply demonstrates the fact that dogmatic morality (even if it’s deeply rooted) is different from inner morality.
Question your belief system
As a general rule of thumb and I believe it applies to any area of one’s life, always question your belief system, by asking yourself who told me that this is right and that is wrong? Where did I hear that? Do I have proof, or am I just relying on general knowledge, tradition with unknown origin, or social norms?
It is the constant questioning of the current status quo, that allowed many great scientific discoveries to be made. I’m sure you would recall many great names in history such as Michael Servetus or Giordano Bruno, who have been burned at stake for their discoveries, only because they contradicted current norms. Saying that the Earth isn’t the center of the universe (which we now know is true) could lead to an execution, and those people, who just had the middle ages behind them, also believed themselves to be a modern European society.
I’m telling you this only because I want to encourage you to question your current set of beliefs. When you’re closing business transactions – are you operating out of fear, out of financial greed, or out of a sincere will to benefit both parties?
Occultism and morality in daily life
Again, please don’t get me wrong, I’m in no way calling for complete altruism. I am calling for “more life for all”, in the noun “life” is being used here in the widest sense of the word.

How does this all bring us back to morality?
You will never be accepted as a freemason, for example, if you are not a moral person. You will not be accepted in any respectable occult inner cycle if your morals (or intentions) are questionable.
No Master of the esoteric wisdom will share with you any valuable hidden knowledge, he would have the slightest doubt in your moral code and how this knowledge will be applied once it gets in your hands.
In upcoming blog posts, I will share more about how can you develop and test your morality, to make sure you are in constant progress, moving forward, and climbing up the ladder of wisdom.
How I apply morality in my day to day life?
When it comes to making decisions, I (naturally) first and foremost consider my own interest and my own agenda. There is nothing wrong with that. However, I make sure that the decisions I make (and actions I take) are going to either benefits everyone else involved or at least not hurt them in any way.
Let me know what do you think of morality in the comments below. How
I just wanted to thank you for posting this information. I have been lost as lost can be for 43 years, but when I let all it go, started digging for the truth, something weird I cannot explain has happened to me. Lately I have this buzzin type deal is going on in my forehead area. For the last few months I have been searching for a guru to point me in the right direction, any suggestions?
Now with a disclaimer: I have it down to black & white, ruling the masses in the existence I know most about. It goes back to the moors, olmecs, and a big deception I am sure I’m not guilty to die for. I live in balance now more than I ever have, but there is this hermetic deal biting me at every turn. Keeps pointing to my green eyes, and my mind is playing tricks saying I have it in me to change something & everyone gets to be happy, even the little guys, the animals.
I plan to go somewhere hopefully where burnt offerings are not an option but who knows, maybe I will wake up in the next creational experience being chased by a reptile using my people as a primary food source.
That would be wild to wake up too but , but now that I am here for what it is, any chance you want to look into this issue & maybe save the world?
Im ready to chant, squat, stare into darkness, and all the nine, but I cant put anything in my butt(no offense), and if it gets too weird & my mind start to panic I’m out! But I might be back!